lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

La Canción De La Semana "MR. WENDAL" Arrested Development

Los primeros 90 fueron los últimos años buenos en cuanto a música negra de calidad dirigida para las masas (salvo algunas pocas excepciones posteriores). Además fueron quizás uno de los momentos mas generosos en cuanto a diversidad en estilos musicales. Poco después el rap pasó de ser reivindicativo a venderse por millones perdiendo toda su esencia.

Pero en esos primeros 90 aún teníamos oportunidad de escuchar buena música y el grupo "Arrested Development" nos ofrecieron unos cuantos singles destacables (sobre todo de su primer álbum). De "3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days In The Life Of..." salieron 3 grandes éxitos; "Tennessee", "Everyday People" y este genial "Mr. Wendal".

Su líder; "Speech" mas tarde sacaría un tributo a Marvin Gaye muy molón (pero eso tal vez lo veamos en otra semana, no?).

Arrested Development

Here, have a dollar,
in fact no brotherman here, have two
Two dollars means a snack for me,
but it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only,
know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Mr.Wendal, that's his name,
no one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum,
until I had the chance to really get to know one
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges,
still most of y'all come out confused

[CHORUS:] Go ahead, Mr.Wendal (2x)

Mr.Wendal has freedom,
a free that you and I think is dumb
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
for Mr.Wendal's a bum
His only worries are sickness
and an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Uncivilized we call him,
but I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no ?
Who are we to judge ?
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
and killed over a racist grudge
Mr.Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
but we don't hear him talk
Is it his fault when we've gone too far,
and we got too far, cause on him we walk
Mr.Wendal, a man, a human in flesh,
but not by law
I feed you dignity to stand with pride,
realize that all in all you stand tall

Mr.Wendal, yeah yeah yeah, Lord, Mr.Wendal

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