Para la gran mayoría de la gente Charles & Eddie fueron unos "one-hit wonders" gracias a aquel maravilloso "Would I Lie To You" del verano de 1992. Ese tema pegó muy fuerte (especialmente en Europa) e hizo que muchos nos compráramos el disco a ciegas.
Cierto que entre el resto de canciones no había otro pelotazo como ese primer single pero aún así el álbum titulado "Duophonic"tenía un buen puñado de buenas canciones que dejaban claro que no eran simplemente la sorpresa del año.
Lamentablemente parece ser que entre ellos no había muy buena química en lo personal y eso debió pesar a la hora de implicarse más en el siguiente trabajo que saldría casi 2 años después y sería el último; "Chocolate Milk". Que tiene una calidad acorde con el primero.
Tristemente años después Charles moriría de cáncer no habiendo cumplido ni los 40 años y Eddie se embarcaría en otras historias mucho menos interesantes.
Cuando por aquel entonces el sonar retro no estaba nada de moda ellos trajeron un poco de vuelta ese sonido soul de finales de los 60 y primeros 70 y nos dieron buenos momentos. Sólo por eso, y también porque se cumplen 25 años de aquello, Charles & Eddie son los protagonistas esta semana de mi sección con esta maravilla llamada "N.Y.C." que fue el segundo single que editaron.
Feliz escucha, feliz semana.
I was hanging out on Joy's front steps
It was the summer of love
We were in New York City
Vibe was cool with the radio on
I think it was Sly singing "Que Sera Sera"
My mother kept saying you're wastin' your life
Sittin' here watching the world go by
Why don't you guys get out there and do something
We did, we became brothers that night
Sharing our lives over a bottle of Ide's
But that was fine with me
There was some kind of riot on the lower
East Side
Some rich man shot some homeless guy
He thought he was being robbed
You can hear him say…
Can you believe this city
Didn't get much sleep staying out all night
Soul kitchen was hoppin'
We'd sneak in the side and dance
Smash was spinnin' some whack new song
We was all snappin' hard on his moms
But he was cool
That shit was funky
That shit was funky
Teachers were quittin' their jobs by the ton
Every kid in the school was totin' a gun
And they were just too scared
You can hear them say…
Can you believe this city
Ran into C on the E train
Had a brand new copy of Marvin Gaye's
"Trouble Man" I couldn't help thinkin' coming home that day
Is it New York City or back to L.A.
It was the summer of love
We were in New York City
Vibe was cool with the radio on
I think it was Sly singing "Que Sera Sera"
My mother kept saying you're wastin' your life
Sittin' here watching the world go by
Why don't you guys get out there and do something
We did, we became brothers that night
Sharing our lives over a bottle of Ide's
But that was fine with me
There was some kind of riot on the lower
East Side
Some rich man shot some homeless guy
He thought he was being robbed
You can hear him say…
Can you believe this city
Didn't get much sleep staying out all night
Soul kitchen was hoppin'
We'd sneak in the side and dance
Smash was spinnin' some whack new song
We was all snappin' hard on his moms
But he was cool
That shit was funky
That shit was funky
Teachers were quittin' their jobs by the ton
Every kid in the school was totin' a gun
And they were just too scared
You can hear them say…
Can you believe this city
Ran into C on the E train
Had a brand new copy of Marvin Gaye's
"Trouble Man" I couldn't help thinkin' coming home that day
Is it New York City or back to L.A.
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