Hace unos días, un gran grupo de gente se concentraba para honrar a las víctimas del atentado de Manchester con un minuto de silencio. Alguien rompía ese instante cantando el "Don't look back in anger" de Oasis. Vecinos del lugar.
Como si de un mantra se tratara a esa voz se le iban uniendo otras para finalmente todos cantar la célebre canción. A modo de respuesta, de repulsa, al atroz atentado en un estadio donde las asistentes eran en un 85% adolescentes.
Estamos en un mundo enfermo o más bien somos nosotros los enfermos...
22 muertos, más de 60 heridos y cientos de vidas que ya jamás serán igual. Los gobiernos condenan, la gente se horroriza pero pronto se olvida hasta que vuelve a suceder...
Ellos prefieren "no mirar atrás con resentimiento". Espero que les funcione.
Esta semana "Don't Look Back In Anger" de Oasis es la elegida y me hubiera gustado que hubiera sido por otras razones.
Feliz escucha, feliz semana... si podéis.
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away
So I start a revolution from my bed
So I start a revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head.
Step outside, summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And so Sally can't wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking by
And so Sally can't wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
Take me to the place where you go
Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows if it's night or day
But please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock n Roll band
Who'll throw it all away
I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
'Cos you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside 'cos summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
'Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
So Sally can't wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
So Sally can't wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say
So Sally can wait
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least for today
At least for today