Corría el año 1992 y 4 chicos de Washington que compartían universidad se dieron a conocer, primero de manera local y luego prácticamente a nivel mundial, con una canción cantada a capella que se encaramó hasta el puesto número 2 del Billboard. El tema se titulaba "If I Ever Fall In Love With You" y sigue siendo a día de hoy una de esas canciones que muchos grupos vocales usan para sus demostraciones.
A pesar de ese inicio brillante y de algún que otro single de éxito nunca llegaron a igualar ese hecho, pero aun así continuaron ofreciendo buenas canciones interpretadas de manera magistral. Shai es uno de los grupos con mejores armonías y sus integrantes eran; Carl "Groove" Martin, Garfield Bright, Marc Gay y Darnell Van Rensalier.
La canción que he elegido se llama "Come With Me" y fue el primer single del álbum "Blackface" de 1995. Suena tan maravillosa, suave como un susurro y tiene unos coros absolutamente de ensueño (oír especialmente a partir del minuto 3 y medio cuando cantan lo de "Comeeee Wiiiith Meee"...). Fabulosa! De ensueño.
I got a call. A telephone call today.
Somebody's offering a job a thousand miles away,
And I want to take it, it's the opportunity of a life time,
But I need a second opinion, an opinion other than mine.
So I, I'm turning to you,
Because you always seem to know what to do.
When times like these arrive, I call,
On my only true friend in the world, my girl.
So I, I want to know,
Should I really, really go,
And if so, Are you coming with me?
I, I got to know,
If you really want me to go,
And if so, Come with me.
I never wanted anything as much as I want you with me.
You were the one who said to follow my dreams,
Of having a house, a car, a view of the stars, and a beautiful wife,
So I need someone I can grow with,
I need some love in my life.
So I, I'm turning to you,
Because you always seem to know what to do.
When times like these arrive, I call,
On the only real love of my life, you are my life.
I want to know,
Should I really, really go,
And if so, Are you coming with me?
So I, I got to know,
If you really want me to go,
And if so, Come with me.
I need you to
Come with me